Impress her with Valentine’s Day roses in a unique arrangement and wrapping style. The Scarlett Preserved Flower Bouquet is our florist’s pick as a Valentine’s Day gift for her.
This bouquet is specially crafted for this Valentine’s Day. It features five stalks of preserved roses in combinations of red and pink. The contrast of the colours brings out the beauty of the red roses.
What it does?
♥︎ Sweep her off her feet
♥︎ Delivers an amazing flower gift experience
What's special?
♥︎ Real preserved rose that doesn’t wither
♥︎ Bouquet is wrapped in an unique design
︎♥︎ Bouquet can stay looking fresh for more than 2 years without water and sunlight
Pamper her with an additional Rose Bear Moments (Pink) or a Toy Rose Bear (Red).
Size of bouquet is approximately:
34cm (W) x 40cm (H)
Delivery/Self-Collection Details
Delivery/Self-Collection Details
We provide free local delivery with min. $60 spend.
Delivery Details:
Mon - Sun
10AM - 2PM
2PM - 5PM
7PM - 11PM
Self-Collection Details:
Mon - Sun
11AM - 7PM
Note: Kindly ensure that the delivery/self-collection option is correctly selected on the checkout page.
Do you provide message gift card?
Do you provide message gift card?
Yes! We provide complimentary message gift card for every product ordered with hand-written message.
You may leave your message for your loved one on the cart page and we will take care of it.
Want To Keep It As a Surprise?
Want To Keep It As a Surprise?
No problem! We know you want to give your loved one a surprise. Rest assured we've got you covered!
There will be no form of receipts or delivery notes attached on the product.